Direct Supervision for Florida DN Therapists (25 sessions)

Direct Supervision for Florida DN Therapists (25 sessions)


Section 486.117, F.S., Physical therapist; performance of dry needling; and
Rule 64B17-6.008, F.A.C., Minimum Standards of Practice for the Performance of Dry Needling (Rule & Law) c(1):

Completion of at least 25 patient sessions of dry needling performed under the supervision of a physical therapist who holds an active license to practice physical therapy in any state or the District of Columbia, who has actively performed dry needling for at least 1 year, and who documents that he or she has met the supervision and competency requirements and needs no additional supervised sessions to perform dry needling.

AOPT Seminars is proud to provide direct supervision of 25 patient sessions for FL Physical Therapists who need sessions supervised per the Florida rules and regulations above. We have spoken to the Florida Board of PT and they advised distance- based tele-visit supervision is acceptable, and Dr. Ron Pavkovich will have a completion form to submit to the Florida Board with a copy for the clinician whom he is supervising to help facilitate completion of all DN requirements per the Board.

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